Join us on Saturday, November 5th at the new Talkeetna Library for our 2016 State Convention! The event starts at 10:00 a.m..
Discussion topics will include farm marketing, generation-O potatoes, high tunnels and soils for flowers and hemp.
National Farmers Union vice-president, Donn Teske will discuss the Oglala Aquifer and issues affecting farmers nationally.
10:00 a.m. Open, pledge, prayer, brief introductions
10:05 a.m. Opening remarks by DOA, State of Alaska Ag
10:30 a.m. Jeff Curry, FSA: Programs & opportunities
11:00 a.m. Bob VanVeldhuizen: Soils, flowers & hemp
11:30 a.m. Theo Koppenberg: Market Trailer, marketing
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Donn Teske, VP NFU: National issues, Oglala aquifer
1:45 p.m. Christine Macknicki: Generation-0 potatoes
2:10 p.m.Carol Kenley, Peonies: growth and sales
2:40 p.m. Rob Wells: Flowers and more flowers
3:00 p.m. Break Out Session: Group therapy local farm issues
3:20 p.m. “Coming together”: Consensus and agenda items
3:40 p.m. AFU Policy changes and suggestions, platform creation
4:30 p.m. Break away/Take away and adjournment
Please note: this event is hosted, but not sponsored, by the Talkeetna Library Association.